Friday, March 26, 2010

Wishing money grew on trees

Eric and I have been talking it over. We don't think we're going to go the DAN! route for Roman, at least not yet. We've already implemented the GFCF diet and the fish oil supplements. He's making so much progress as is with his schooling, that we can't see it getting any better any faster. I'm sure we'll reach a standstill at some point, and then we'll look at the biomedical treatments.

Money is a huge factor. Eric is the sole breadwinner and he's a public school teacher. Feeding, clothing and sheltering a family of five on that kind of salary is difficult as is. We just can't afford the treatments that the doctor will want to implement. A friend of mine suggested we look into SSI, but I don't know if I would call Roman "profoundly disabled" although I am told that autism does fit into that category. It would be nice to have some "extra" money to be able to afford treatments and a private speech therapist. And then there's the extra grocery cost of keeping Roman on the diet. It's getting expensive!

So, maybe I will look into SSI. I'm not even sure that we qualify. It seems that we're always just above the cutoff for any kind of financial help. It's hard to ask for the help, too. We should be able to provide everything our children need ourselves. But there comes a point that we just can't. It's not that Roman doesn't already get a lot of help, I just think he could use a little more and I wish we could pay for it.

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