Saturday, April 11, 2009


I guess the title of this post is a bit misleading. I remember back when the next day could bring anything, how life could take a 180 in 24 hours. It was back in the days of ramen noodles and a new apartment every year. The next day could be euphoric or devastating, but usually it was different than the one before. Sure there were always classes and whatever part time job I was working, but I always had a good eight hours in which my life would twist and turn in ways that never could have been expected. I might wake up at four in the morning on a strange couch, or maybe it was ten and I was sleeping in after a big party at my place. Maybe I would make a new friend in a class, or piss off a friend I already had. Maybe I would change my major. That happened more than once or twice. Big changes, little changes, they happened every day. One day, I even woke up in some strange dude's house wondering what exactly I was doing there and what he told me his last name was. Less than two years later, I knew that last name because it was mine.

That's when the pieces were set up for my anti-changing life phase. Every day, it's the same. Wake up at 6 or 7. Change a diaper. Grab some breakfast for the kids. Get Tycen dressed. Check the computer. Play with Tan and Rome, maybe get them dressed. Make lunch. Check the computer again. Play more. Make supper. Eat. Clean up. Go to bed. I try to change up the schedule. I try to get out and do things, but it's still the same. We stay home and play or we go out and play. Does it make a difference?

You know what got me thinking about this? It's silly. I dyed my hair last night. No big deal, I dye my hair every few months. This time, I picked up a box that promised my hair would be at least three shades lighter without the red that brunettes are often bestowed from lightening products. I have no red, but I also see no difference. Even in a box of hair coloring, something designed to change, I still can't find it.

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