Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our pediatrician sucks

I'm pissed. I had already decided to change pediatricians a few weeks ago, but the old one has maddened me once again. First of all, they missed Tycen's diagnosis of NF. Thank God I had watched that Discovery Health program on it when I was pregnant. For some reason, that show raised a bubble of dread in my throat. It was as if my soul knew the baby I was carrying had NF. Then, the spots showed up. The cafe au lait spots are the first sign of NF. I had to point out each and every one of them before the pediatrician gave us a referral to a geneticist. I had to do the research on my own to find out NF clinic and support group. I could never explain in words how helpful they have been in our journey.

Then, they totally brushed off my concerns about Roman's development. "All kids develop at different rates. He seems completely normal to me," they promised me since he was 18 months old. Thanks for nothing.

Monday, first thing in the morning, I called them to make a referral for Roman to see a specialist to officially diagnose the autism. Have I received a call back yet? Nope. How long does it take to make an ever-loving phone call people. Every day is another day lost in Roman's world. I wish doctors would understand that.

To top it off, when I called, the receptionist asked me in a haughty tone, "And who suggested that you need a specialist. What makes you think he has autism?"

First off, your condescending tone had me reaching to make another phone call. I immediately called a pediatrician I had been recommended by another NF mom. The first thing I asked was how experienced the new doctor was with autism. "We have several patients with autism and the doc is very open to all therapies available to help lessen the effects of it."

Perfect. Not only does she have at least one other NF patient, like Tycen, but I heard just what I wanted to about treating autism. Even without an official meeting, I know I've found someone I'll like. I can't wait.

But, alas, I do have to wait. I'm waiting on our old pediatrician to make the referral to a pediatric neurologist and psychiatrist to make an official diagnosis. I need this desperately so we can get Roman into a DAN! doctor. DAN! stands for Defeat Autism Now! and is an alternative treatment course for autism. I told you I was going to do anything it takes.

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