Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm published

Okay, totally NOT what you're thinking. Gotcha.

But, I did start writing articles for Associated Content. They publish online, but also sell to print publications.

Check out my articles at http://www.associatedcontent.com/allisonwoodworth

Let me know what you think. There are only a few posted as of today, but there will be more soon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Victory lap

A child with a physical disability is a taxing thing on an entire family. For months, Tycen was confined to a wheelchair. Later, he graduated to a walker before finally walking on his own seven months later. We were some of the lucky ones. There are children in wheelchairs their entire life. Tanis and Roman were forced to take a backseat to their brother's needs and demands for the better part of a year. Eric and I waited on him hand and foot, emerging with bad backs and a permanent Motrin 800 prescription from lifting sixty pounds of child for those long months.

Tycen still has trouble walking, getting use to his new legs. He had learned to walk on legs that were two different lengths and now, he's forced to relearn everything about how to walk. Still, we have many reasons to celebrate.

Tomorrow, we, as a family, are walking in a 5k. Family members and friends will join us to celebrate the fact that Tycen is going to walk as far as he can unassisted. We have raised well over $200 for neurofibromatosis research. I am so proud of everyone who has chosen to share this milestone with us. But, most of all, I am proud of my firstborn.

Tycen, you've come so far. We know you have a long road to go. But this is your time to shine. It's your victory lap.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A letter to myself

You, at the cookie bag,

Step away from the cookies. Why did you even bake them? Idiot.

Remember what you looked like fifty five pounds ago? It wasn't that long ago that you squeezed your big ol' belly into a size 16 when you should have been wearing an eighteen.

I don't care if you did use I Can't Believe it's Not Butter and Splenda, cookies will never be health food.
