Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We're home...but tired

We got up at 4 am this morning to take Tycen to Ann Arbor for his 7:30 surgery, so we're completely whipped. I meant to update the blog while he was in surgery, but it went so fast, I didn't really have time. Everything went as well as it could have and Tycen is now resting at home on my bed watching TV.

Dr. Caird placed the plate over his growth plate to slow the growth in his longer leg. Hopefully, the right leg will start catching up soon. Next, we're going to see a neurosurgeon to see if his tumor should be removed to help him walk better. The poor kid's life is just surgery after surgery.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tycen is having surgery tomorrow

We decided last week to go ahead with another surgery for Tycen. His surgeon will be placing a plate over the growth plate of his tibia to slow its growth. We are hoping this keeps us from having to do the much more invasive surgery and healing process he had last time at some point in the future. She reminded me that there was no guarantee that we wouldn't have to repeat the last set of surgeries and the tibia stretching process, but this should help.

I am always apprehensive when Tycen goes in for surgery. He handles anesthesia well, but I still worry about him being under. I am bringing my manuscript to work on while he is in surgery, hopefully that will help me take my mind off of it, but usually I just pace the waiting room the entire time.

He may have to stay in the hospital overnight, and is actually hoping he does. He loved the activity room and says he misses the nurses. Eric wants him to come home the same day. I don't know, I like having the nurses there to help us deal with any pain he has. I would rather he be under the care of professionals for a short while. But, we have to pick Rome and Tan up from Eric's parents house if Tycen stays overnight, so it would be me staying in the hospital while Eric comes home with the other two. Neither option is ideal.

I will update this blog when he goes into surgery and is out of surgery from my Blackberry. I love technology.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't forget about autism awareness month

Remember that 1 in 110 are affected by autism this month and think of them all.